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Brokers: 3 Easy Steps to Manage Portal Access

Screenshot of agency portal step one for managing user access.

Easily add, remove or update agency users from our self-service portal! Begin by logging into our online customer portal here:


How to Manage Users

1. Once logged in, click on the ellipsis (three dots) next to your agency name. 

  1. Navigate to the User List or jump directly into the Add User workflow.

Snapshot of the Agent Dashboard

2. Click ‘Add New User’ to create a new profile.  

  1. Assign a role to each user to manage their access level:
    1. Agency Admin:  Full access to your agency’s information including new business, policies, and digital tools. Manage user access, see commission information, and update account settings.
    2. New Business Access:  Service policies on behalf of your agency. Submit and bind *coming soon*. Continue to submit business in the existing portal Agency Connect for now.
    3. Service Access: Service policies on behalf of your agency.
    4. Additional Permissions: You can manage access to Claims features (loss runs, claims list, individual claim details, and claim financials) by toggling access on/off for each user. 

3. Click the ellipsis next to an existing user to edit or deactivate their access. 

Snapshot of the User Management Page



Please contact your regional sales manager with any questions.



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