Report a Claim
The following information and materials will help you when an injury occurs in the workplace.
Call 911 for emergency and life-threatening situations.

1. Medical Treatment For Your Injured Worker
Immediate telehealth services are available for simple injuries such as strains, sprains and rashes 24/7 directly from emergency trained physicians. Call 888-472-9001 press option 1 for instant access. Please notify our team if interpreter services are required before we speak with the injured employee.
Or send the injured employee to a physician within our Medical Provider Network (MPN). To help find a provider, call (888) 472-9001 or visit Complete this form (Treatment authorization form) and have the injured employee take with them on their first visit to expedite care. This form also includes a first fill pharmacy card for initial medications if needed.

2. Report Your Claim Immediately
Reporting your claim timely is critical to ensure the injured worker receives timely medical care and benefits. Report your claim in several ways:
Phone: Call 888-472-9001
Online: Report a Claim
You may complete (form 5020) and submit directly to:
Fax: 619-688-3913
Email: [email protected]
Please remember to provide a DWC1 to your injured employee within 24 hours of knowledge. During this time, please gather wage information, note the names of any employees who were involved in the injury and machinery for future conversations with your assigned adjuster.
Record the injury or illness on the OSHA Log Form (300)
If a fatality or serious injury/illness has occurred, you must report the incident to the nearest Cal/OSHA office within 8 hours. To find the nearest Cal/OSHA office call (510) 286-7000.

Insurance Fraud is Felony
Fraud can come in many forms and isn’t limited to injured workers. Employers and medical providers can also commit fraud. Any material act or statement that leads to either entitlement or denial of a benefit is considered fraudulent in the State of California. Under California Penal Code, Sections 548-550 and California Labor Code Section 3700.5, acts of suspected fraud are to be investigated by California’s Fraud division.
Preferred takes fraud seriously and reports all incidents of suspected fraud to our Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and actively partners with law enforcement. Additionally, Preferred focuses on reducing claim costs when fraud is suspected even while the SIU and law enforcement are actively engaged in investigation and prosecution activities.
If you suspect fraud or abuse please report it to your Claims Examiner or via email to [email protected]
For additional information regarding insurance fraud, please visit the California Department of Insurance.

Get in touch with Preferred’s Customer Service Team Members via Hotline 888-472-9001