Your Trusted Advisor for California Workers Compensation Insurance
Preferred is dedicated to providing the best combination of price and coverage for California’s business owners and their injured employees.
Our 90% customer retention rate reflects our talented team member’s total commitment to providing personalized and valued services.

Why Preferred
Personal Service: Customers are not just a policy number with us. We provide direct access points to live people throughout the entire customer servicing chain.
Workplace Safety: Workplace safety is a top priority. Our Risk Advisors offer business owners a wide variety of resources to assist them in operating a safer work environment.
Medical Provider Network: We are the only California insurance provider who operates its MPN with only directly-contracted, best-in-class physicians. This means our customers receive a higher quality of injury management expertise.
Financial Security: Preferred Employers Insurance is a member of W. R. Berkley Corporation, whose insurance company subsidiaries are rated A+ (Superior) by A. M. Best Company.

Workplace Safety Tools
View available resources to improve workplace conditions, reduce risk of injury, and ensure compliance with CalOSHA and other safety and health regulations. All resources are available in both English & Spanish.
Regulatory Mandated Programs
Review the latest government mandates to insure your workplace is up to code, including Cal/OSHA and COVID-19 protocols.
Industry Specific Safety Topics
Review safety topics specific to your industry, including specific machinery and equipment used for your trade. Explore industry list below.
Contact Customer Service
Get in touch with Preferred’s Customer Service Team Members via Hotline 888-472-9001.