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What to know about Indoor Heat Illness Prevention

Cool down and cooling off concept as a diver diving into frozen ice water as a symbol for managing hot weather summer heat and refreshing break from a heatwave

Effective July 23, 2024, California Code of Regulations, Title 8, section 3396 requires California business owners to have an Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Program in place.  This standard applies to most workplaces where the indoor temperature reaches 82°F.  


Here are the key items an employer needs to know:


Heat Illness Prevention Plan: Employers must develop and implement a written comprehensive plan addressing indoor heat hazards, including emergency response procedures.


Temperature Monitoring: Regular monitoring of indoor temperatures to identify and mitigate excessive heat conditions.


Ventilation and Cooling: Ensuring adequate ventilation and cooling systems to maintain safe temperature levels, such as using fans, air conditioning, or other cooling methods.


Access to Drinking Water: Providing employees with readily accessible, cool drinking water throughout their shifts.


Rest Breaks: Mandating regular rest breaks in a cool area for workers exposed to high temperatures.


Training and Education: Offering training programs for employees and supervisors on recognizing symptoms of heat illness and understanding preventive measures.


Reporting and Recordkeeping: Keeping detailed records of temperature monitoring, heat illness incidents, and the implementation of preventive measures. 


For Preferred policyholders, we have Indoor Heat Illness Prevention resources available to you in our customer portal. Log in here. Please reach out to our Risk Advisors at [email protected] with any questions.  



Download the current Fact Sheets:

Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Workplaces: Information for Employers (

Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Workplaces Information for Employees (

Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Program: HIP-sample-procedures.docx (

Cal/OSHA FAQ’s: Frequently Asked Questions Related to Indoor Heat Illness Prevention (


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